Monday, 17 November 2014

The Lore of Illuminati

The Lore of Illuminati

“From Santi’s earthly tomb with demons hole,
Cross Rome the mystic elements unfold.
The path of light is laid, the sacred test,
Let angels guide you on your lofty quest.”

These lines from a great poet John Milton written during the times of renaissance is known to very few people. So what do these lines justify and why were these infamous lines written so discreetly? These lines were written by John Milton for a well-known friend of his who was kept under a house arrest by the church. This well-known friend was none other than Galileo Galilei. Now the question arises why a scientist and a poet came together and devise such a kind of poem during the time when the clergy and the church were wiping out every theory that contradicted their verdict about God.
Galileo was a member of the group called The Illuminati. The Illuminati were a group of scientists from all over the world who united against the autocracy of the church during the 16th century for misguiding the truths about the sciences and the universe which were discovered by some of the most brilliant scientists at the time. The group was agitated when the church got a hold on the top four scientists and branded them alive with a cross and hung them out in the public. The church did this to warn other scientists from joining the brotherhood of Illuminati. Some of the scientists even tried to resort to violent means. The clergy even declared them as a Satanic Cult who wanted to take over the church, whereas, Galileo’s Illuminati were not the least bit satanic. They were scientists who revered enlightenment. Their meeting place was simply where they could safely congregate and discuss topics forbidden by the Vatican.
Galileo’s Illuminati needed to protect themselves from the Vatican, so they founded a secret Illuminati meeting place in Rome itself. They called it the ‘Church Of Illumination’. As the time went by it became difficult for the new and young scientists to join the brotherhood because of the secrecy sworn by the members of Illuminati. It was then when Galileo, the then leader of Illuminati, devised a brilliant map which could lead them to the church itself. Galileo decided to design the map in such a way that it could be hidden easily in the plain view – meaning it wasn’t the kind of map which could fit on the paper. It could be describe as the blazed trail of religious sculptures across the city. The map consisted of a series of carefully concealed symbolic markers placed in public locations around the city, using a method of hiding known as camouflage. Since the markers were religious sculptures, they easily faded into the backdrop of ancient Rome. One marker led to the next, eventually leading to the Illuminati lair. The Illuminati called their string of markers ‘The Path of Illumination”. Thus anyone who wanted to join the brotherhood had to follow it all the way to the end. The path as constructed in such a way that only certain people would have the ability to track the markers and find out the Illuminati Church. Thus ensuring that only the brightest scientists arrived at the door.
Now, in order to get a word out to the other scientists, Galileo decided to put the puzzle or the clue into a book which he published secretly. In the early 1630’s, Galileo published Dialogo, explaining the authenticity of the Copernican model of solar system which contradicted the church’s geometric one. For which the church, apparently put him under house arrest where he secretly wrote another manuscript known as the Discorsi. However, there was a third booklet known as the Diagramma which only a few people believed to exist. It was through Diagramma, he got out the word about the path to the church of Illumination. The clue to the path of Illumination lies in the above four lines crafted out by a great Illuminati poet, John Milton.
The Illuminati brotherhood has had the best possible infiltration going on around with the elitist organization all over the world let alone The Vatican. The best Vatican sculptors, architects, like Bernini, Michelangelo, Raphael etc. were all Illuminati members. Speaking of infiltration, isn't it mysterious to have a pyramid printed on the US one dollar bill when there is no connection of pyramids with American history?

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